Register For A Church Health Assessment

Many church leaders today are feeling stuck. Attendance is down. Giving is down. Volunteers aren’t stepping up to the plate. Leaders who once felt empowered now feel puzzled, wondering why they aren’t connecting with their community like they used to. Instead of going backwards, you and your leadership team can partner with God in discerning a new way forward for your church.
What is it about?

The Cyclical Full Circle Church Assessment is designed to transform declining and plateaued churches into churches that are actively moving out of decline. In six months, you will understand your church’s strengths and weaknesses, discern the Holy Spirit with your team, and get a custom 12 month step-by-step plan for moving out of decline and towards a more hopeful future.
Does it cost?

WIth the support of the Evangelism and Church Growth committee in the Presbytery of San Fernando, we are looking for churches within our presbyetry who are ready to participate in the Cyclical Full Circle process and church health assessment. The cost of the assessment could partially or fully be covered pending approval. The availability of funds for grants may vary.

If you are a pastor or new worshipping community leader that is interested in participating, please fill this out and contact Rob Douglas, Director of Cyclical Full Circle at or K.C. Wahe, our ECG chair for more details at
The Process

Once we receive and review each application, ECG will select congregations or nwc's for prayerful consideration. The availability of funds for grants may vary.
1. Complete and submit this application as soon as you are able. 

2. Once we have received and reviewed each application, ECG will prayerfully select  a church/nwc. 

3. ECG will notify each applicant as to the committee's decision.  

4. Churches/NWC's selected will then be paired with a certified Full Circle “Guide” that is an objective voice from outside of our Presbytery.

5. The certified Guide will be in contact with the selected church or nwc to describe the process and set up a time to begin.
Describe your own assessment of your current context as a church or new worshiping community.

Tell us why you hope your church will be selected as a grant recipient and tell us what you hope your church will receive from this program?

Applications Will Be Accepted On A First Come First Serve Basis

Sign Us Up!

"Your congregation is at an inflection point. Regardless of its affiliation, size and location, these times have helped us all realize that we cannot afford to spend our time, energy, and resources in ministry as it once was. Cyclical Full Circle will give you tools to face your realities while helping your leaders recapture a sense of joyful participation in God's transforming action. Their work will help you change the trajectory of your church!" EP Rev. Dr. Juan Sarmiento


Many church leaders today are feeling stuck. Attendance is down. Giving is down. Volunteers aren’t stepping up to the plate. Leaders who once felt empowered now feel puzzled, wondering why they aren’t connecting with their community like they used to. Instead of going backwards, you and your leadership team can partner with God in discerning a new way forward for your church.